Patient Participation Group Meeting

Event Details

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A patient participation group meeting was held on 6th and 7th September 2023.

Topics discussed

eConsult: The practice discussed the implementation of eConsult to improve efficiency in patient care. The goal is to save both patient and surgery time. By sending an eConsult, patients provide necessary information to their GP in advance, reducing the need to discuss details during their appointment. The eConsult goes directly to the GP, who will then determine if a telephone or face-to-face appointment is necessary.
Prescription Requests: The practice is actively encouraging online prescription requests to minimize errors and clinical risks. Pharmacies are permitted to send requests on behalf of patients only if authorized and agreed upon by the practice. Paper and email requests are accepted only in exceptional situations, such as for elderly or disabled patients.
Referral Queries: Patients are encouraged to contact their respective hospitals directly for appointment-related queries. The practice does not possess details about hospital waiting or priority lists.
Care Record Access: The practice has successfully enabled full care record access for all registered patients. Patients can access their records through the NHS app or Patient Access. This access allows patients to review their medication, care record details, and the outcomes of test results or scans.
Related notes and areas of concerns
Discussed the protocol of booking apt or seek for medical assistance via econsult. PPG memebers raised their concerns about econsult. discussed it thoroughly, questions raised such as what support is available for patients- explained that staff are trained in training patients on econsult, helping those who are unable to send econsult, adding notes for doctors re exceptions. Highlighted benefits as outlined on the right hand side.
PPG memmbers raised their concern about online prescription request. Explained the protocol and procedure of requesting the prescriptions online. also discussed the alternative options.
Explained and discussed the pathway of referrals, waiting time and procedure as explained on the right hand side. there was a query by Mr IN re follow up referral to which i explained that the follow up reff are done by the concerned department in most of the cases however, if we get any follow up advice re referrering pts then we follow due process to fulfill the needs
Explained as on the right hand side- no significant queries raised, staff members are happy to help if there are any queries
The next in-practice PPG meeting is due in September 2024.